卒業生・同窓生便りの第37回は、ユニオンバンクでAssistant Vice President / Priority Banking Officerとしてご活躍の金沢祐治さんからです。金沢さんは2才で渡米され、あさひ学園には小学校1年から5年まで通われました。サンフランシスコ州立大学では、将来において人道的な意味合いを持ち、かつ情熱を傾ける仕事がしたいと環境研究を専攻されました。また、日本語という専門分野を極めたいという気持ちから日本語研究も専攻され、早稲田大学で1年間の留学も体験されました。 在校生の皆さんには、バイリンガル・バイカルチュアルの魅力を伝え、あさひ学園と現地校の両立の難しさを乗り越えてほしい、勉学と遊びのバランスが大切だとメッセージをくださいました。
三菱東京UFJ銀行を親会社に持つユニオンバンクで、Assistant Vice President/Priority Banking Officerとして勤務しています。業務内容は、富裕層顧客、法人及びビジネス オーナー.顧客とともに経営・財務戦略を企画立案し、事業目標の達成を目指して、適切なプラン策定の手助けをすることです。また、住宅ローン、投資、法人・個人向けの口座管理、ローン、クレジットなど幅広い金融サービスに関するお世話もしています。
自分の経験を振り返っても、確かに現地校と並行して通い、宿題や勉強がすべて2倍というのは大変でした。しかし、長い目で見れば必ず報われる時がきます。今はその重要性に気付かないかもしれませんが、就職活動を行う際、バイリンガルであることを売りにすることがどれほど大きなアドバンテージとなるか気付くことでしょう。年俸の交渉においても有利な交渉材料になり得ますし、雇用主にとってバイリンガル、バイカルチュアルは魅力的な働き手として映ります。年を取るとともに、自らの文化的・民族的背景が 重要な意味を持つようになってきます。それがあなたのアイデンティティの基礎となるものだからです。一生懸命勉学に励み、思いっきり遊んでください。どちらかに偏るのではなく、バランスを取ることが大切なのです。
Currently I am retail banker for Union Bank (parent company Tokyo Mitsubishi-UFJ). My title is Assistant Vice President/Priority Banking Officer. My job is managing high-end client relationships, business or personal, or both (for instance, business plus owner). I help clients develop financial strategies and plan customized solutions tailored to the clients personal and business goals. I take care of all of their financial needs such as mortgage, investments, personal & business bank accounts, personal & business loans/lines of credit.
Working for a bank was not my first choice of career, but the reason why I choice to work at Union Bank was that I would have the opportunity to work with Japanese clients and Japanese businesses, so that I can refine my Japanese skill set. My thought process was that, if I can utilize my Japanese skill set in the professional environment, I would be able to use it for any future career change or type of job. Not only would I be able to fine tune my Japanese skill set, but I would also learn the different Japanese business cultures, which are involved when dealing with Japanese business owners and customers.
I studied at San Francisco State University for 4 years, double majoring in Environmental Studies, and Japanese language. I also studied 1 year in Japan at Waseda University through a Cal state “Study Abroad Program, which curriculum was strictly taught in Japanese. The reason I studied the Environmental Studies is because I wanted to have a career which actually had some kind humanitarian value. Help the earth and the future of humanity. Basically I wanted to do something which meant something, instead of working just to make money. I wanted to do something which was more along the lines of passion, versus working just to earn a paycheck. The reason I studied Japanese was because I wanted to learn the culture/business culture as well as the communication/business communication. Just in general to keep y Japanese skill set fine tuned for future opportunities.
I attended Asahi Gakuen from 1st grade to 5th grade levels but still had difficult time connecting with the other Japanese kids. At time I even felt out of place because most of the Japanese kids which were attending Asahi were Native Japanese who had recently come to America because of their father’s job situation. Those kids had much higher level of Japanese skill set, and I was unable to keep up with them study wise and communication wise. We often clashed as well since they were much more Japanese cultured then I was since they recently came from Japan, and of course I had been in the States since I was two years old, learning my Japanese and English at the same time in the states. But even though I clashed with some of the kids, I also made many friends who were in the same predicament as myself. I also vividly remember that I went to school 6 days a week since American school was from Monday to Friday, and Japanese school was on Saturday. I was jealous of all my American friends because they did not have to attend school on Saturdays, but now they are jealous of me because I have fluent Japanese skill set which means many more employement opportunities as well as higher salary range, since being bilingual is a very huge asset to many companies.
I would like to eventually work in the environmental technology sector, utilizing my Japanese skill set. Possible sales or marketing section of the environmental sector.
My message to current Asahi Gakuen students is, though it may be tough going to American school and Japanese school at the same time and having double the homework and projects, in the long run, it will pay off. You may not think your Japanese skill set is that important right now, but in the future when you are trying to find employment; it is a huge advantage to be bilingual. You have much more leverage in negotiating your salaries as well as you are much more attractive to employers since you are bilingual and bicultural. And as you get older, your culture and ethnicity becomes much more important to you because that is how you will identify yourself. Work hard, but play hard and balance your life.
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