私は新潟県で生まれましたが高校卒業までほとんどオレンジ郡で育ちました。 小学校、中学校の9年間をあさひ学園オレンジ校に通いましたが、英語が良く分からない時はアメリカの学校に通うのにくらべて、あさひは安心でした。しかし、少しずつ私の英語が上達し、どんどん性格もアメリカナイズされるにつれ、私のあさひ学園に対する態度も変化しました。みんな土曜日は遊んでいるのに、どうして宿題が二つもあるのか? なぜ同じ数学を二回も習わなければいけないのか? 高校のスポーツとの両立が難しくなるたびにあさひに通うのが難しくなりましたが、卒業まであと少しと頑張り続けました。中学卒業式、私はやっとあさひ学園が終わると晴れ晴れすると思いました。しかし、驚いたことに感動の涙があふれました。あさひ学園は私が思った以上、深い経験だったということでした。
周りにアジア人がたくさんいるカリフォルニで育ちましたので、自分が何人なのか深く考える機会はありませんでした。ヨーロッパでは、アジア人の数がとても少なく、アジア人が長く滞在したり、日系人などというコンセプトはまだないように感じました。だから 出身地を聞かれるたびに戸惑いました。私が完璧に日本人に見えるが英語を自由に話す。スペイン人にとっては、私は日本人かアメリカ人かとはっきりしてほしいということでしょうか。自分の存在をここまで厳しく聞かれたのは初めてで、おかげで自分はやはりもう日系人なのだ、と理解して、それがアメリカ人になろうという決意につながりました。
I was born in Niigata but was raised predominantly in Orange County. For nine years, I attended Asahi Gakuen Orange Campus. Initially, Asahi felt like heaven compared to the horrifying experience of going to an American school without knowing any English. Gradually, as my English improved and my personality became more and more Americanized, my attitude toward going to Asahi shifted. Why do I have two sets of homework while my friends have a day off on Saturday? Why do I have to learn mathematics twice? Frustration arose as I struggled to maintain the balance between my high school extracurricular activities and keeping up my attendance at Asahi. I came close to giving up, but I was encouraged by my parents that I have come so close to graduating. When I finally graduated from Asahi Gakuen, I was sure to be relieved that Saturday school was finally over. Instead, I was overwhelmed with emotions and tears of accomplishment. I never realized how much Asahi meant to me until I graduated.
I pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Anthropology and a minor in Mathematics at UC Berkeley. I enjoyed every moment I spent at Cal, but my highlight was studying abroad in Madrid. I was fully immersed in the Spanish language and culture for a year. Everyday was filled with surprises while I lived with Spaniards, Italians, and Germans and took classes in Spanish. I learned a lot about adapting to a new lifestyle, studying in a European educational system, and booking cheap hostels. My most important lesson, however, was discovering my Japanese-American identity.
In California, I never had to question my background because there were so many Asians and Asian Americans. In Europe, however, there were far less Asian immigrants. Europeans were familiar with the concept of American students studying abroad in Europe; however, they were unfamiliar Asian Americans studying abroad. Thus, the question, “de donde eres?” (Where are you from?), was difficult to answer. Europeans could not understand how someone who looked completely Japanese could act so American, and also spoke both languages. For them, I had to be either Japanese or American. For the first time in my life, I was seriously confronted with the question of my national identity. I finally came to terms with my identification as Japanese American and decided to become a U.S. Citizen.
After returning from Spain and discovering my Japanese American identity, I was eager to be more involved with the Japanese American community. That is why I decided to participate in the Northern California Cherry Blossom Queen Program. As the 2007 Cherry Blossom Queen, I was the face of San Francisco Japan Town and participated in various community service activities. As the cultural ambassador of the Northern California Japanese American community, I traveled to the Nisei week’s festival in Los Angeles, the Festival Ball in Hawaii, and the Japanese Community Queen Scholarship Program in Seattle. My favorite memory was when I traveled with my family to Osaka, San Francisco’s sister city, to participate in the Midosuji parade.
Through my experience as Cherry Blossom Queen, I came to a heightened understanding of a very important Japanese value: appreciation. The Cherry Blossom Festival could not exist without the deep appreciation and commitment everyone has to their family, friends, the community and the continuation of its culture. I am thankful to be able to be part of such a community.
Furthermore, my experience became a way to give back to my parents and grandparents through this experience. If it weren’t for my parent’s decision to move to the U.S. and to keep us educated through Asahi, I could not have maintained both the Japanese and American language and acquired the skills to become Cherry Blossom Queen. Even though my role as Cherry Blossom Queen was primarily focused in Northern California, it also became a way of giving back to my family, and of creating a stronger bridge between our family in California and Japan.
I also have a deeper appreciation for the moments I spent at Asahi. At the time I took the cultural exposure for granted, but now, everything I learned from Asahi has led to who I am today.
My bicultural and bilingual upbringing and studying abroad experience led me to a career in international education. I currently work at the Institute of International Education where I administer scholarship and training programs for students around the world. I hope to further my career by obtaining a masters degree in either International Education or Intercultural Training. I also hope to work abroad in South America to improve my Spanish. No matter where I am in the world, I will always remember to serve as a Japanese representative to speak the language, share the culture, and become a global citizen that connects people from different parts of the world.
Asahi students–whether you are here for a short period or for the long haul, please cherish your Asahi moments. I know it seems difficult as it was for me, but you have a gift. You have the ability to speak in English and Japanese and the capacity to understand two different lifestyles. Use your adaptability to expand your horizons. Learn a third language and study abroad because you already have all of the skills. Please take your bilingual and bicultural skill to the next level to become an active and sensitive leader in this increasingly global community. Best of luck!